All submissions must in PDF format and should contain no more than six (6) single-spaced pages, including figures, tables, appendices and references. The font size used in the paper should not be smaller than 10 points. The paper should be in double column format with each column having dimensions 9.25 inches x 3.33 inches, a space of 0.33 inches between the two columns, and with no more than 55 lines of text per column. Authors may find these templates useful in complying with the above requirements. It is author's responsibility to verify that the submission is format-compliant. (Please note that the default template font is 9pt and must be changed to 10pt.)
All submissions must be anonymous and authors should not include their names and affiliation information in the paper. All submitted papers will be evaluated through a double-blind reviewing process, with the identities of the authors withheld from the reviewers. Please direct any questions about the paper submission process to the Program Chairs.
Accepted papers will be published in the ACM mmNets proceedings and will be available through Digital Library. All papers will be considered for the Best Paper Award and authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the workshop.
Paper submission site:
For accepted papers, please follow the instructions on the ACM MobiCom 2020 website to prepare the camera-ready paper. Please note that the number of pages is limited to six (6), including figures, tables, appendices, and references. Please note that the (hard) deadline for camera-ready submission is July 31st, 2020.